Missed The Culver City Art Show? A Taste of the Exhibit For You — Reyes Fine Art

Missed The Culver City Art Show? A Taste of the Exhibit For You

Following the success of the first "Affair of the Arts" last September, I was invited to exhibit again along with 60 other artists June 7-8, 2014 in beautiful Culver City, CA.

The turnout was great, and the Southern California weather even better, for the festival. An engaged and enthused crowd came and sincere thanks to all the new people I met, and the friends and family who always support me at these events.

"New York No. 4 (Empire)" and "Aero No. 39 (Powerlines)"
Detroit No. 1 and Aero No. 32 (LA After The Rain)
Clouds Above, Earth Below:
Aero No. 9
Aero No. 8
Aero No. 5
Aero No. 4 
A summer working in Montreal and more recent trip to the top of the Hancock Tower in Chicago inspired these :
Montreal No. 2
Chicago No. 3
San Francisco No. 2
Aero No. 11A
New York No. 2
Thanks Clark & Erin for stopping by!
Until next time…thanks for looking!