giacometti — Journal — Reyes Fine Art


Euro Tour :: Paris

Impressions from my week in the "City of Light".

Maillol Balance.

Centre Pompidou Vapeur.
Juxtaposition. Outside Centre Pompidou.

A cog in the contemporary art machine at Centre Pompidou.
"Ghost" by artist Kader Attia. Centre Pompidou.
3 Views of a Giacometti. Centre Pompidou.
Musee Rodin #1. Gates of Hell.
Musee Rodin #2. Gates of Hell, featuring Le Penseur (The Thinker).
Musee Rodin #3. Portrait of Rodin by Antoine Bourdelle.
Musee Rodin #4
Musee Rodin #5. Ugolino is hungry.
Musee Rodin #6
Musee Rodin #7
Sacre Couer / Montmarte
Parisian Sentinel. Le Eiffel from Montmarte.
This is Paris.