On my way...

Seaport, Lower Manhattan

View of my monoprints purchased by my great friend and patron, Colleen, VP at Odyssey House

Union Square...it was a beautiful Saturday!

At artist David Keeton's incredible studio...his art is awesome!

Art Students League of NY / Vytlacil Campus / Sparkill, NY

"The Poet's Daughter" / Bronze / by Leonid Lerman (my first sculpture teacher) @ ASL Vytlacil Campus

Exhibition of work by Howard Gladstone (right) at Vytlacil. Bravo, Howard!!!

Meatpacking District, Friday Night

Marina Abramovic (in red) performing in "The Artist is Present" @ MOMA. Her retrospective on the 6th floor is incredibly impressive.

On the way home..."Aero" source photo #1 (you may see this again)

"Aero" source photo #2

"Aero" source photo #3